Crystal Lake Hatchery

Crystal Lake Hatchery is operated by SSRAA under contract to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Sport Fish Division. Funding provided by the State covers production costs associated with programs that are targeted primarily for sport harvest.  The hatchery is located 17.5 miles south of Petersburg just off Mitkof Highway near the Crystal Lake hydroelectric plant which provides water for the facility after power production.  Crystal Lake does not have a Hatchery Permit because permits are not required for State facilities.  The Statewide Stocking Plan provides the legal authority for releases originating at Crystal Lake.

Current production:

  • 700,000 Andrew Creek stock chinook released at the hatchery.
  • 120,000 Crystal Creek stock coho released at the hatchery.
  • 500,000 Andrew Creek chinook released at Anita Bay.
  • 500,000 Chickamin River chinook released at Port Saint Nicholas. Eggs are provided by SSRAA’s Whitman Lake Hatchery.


Returning adults are harvested in common property fisheries by all user groups and provide broodstock for Crystal Lake.