Call for 2020 Nominations

Attention Salmon Fisheries

Nominations for the Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association, Inc. Board of Directors are open through October 21, 2020 (Wednesday).

SSRAA has the following Gear Seats Open:
2 Seine Seats / 1 Gillnet Seat / 1 Power Troll Seat / 1 Hand Troll Seat
Terms Run from January 2021 – December 2023

Nominations must be in writing and include the permit holder’s name, address, vessel name, phone number, and a brief statement.
Permit Holders should nominate persons from their own gear groups.
Nominees must be an “Active” Southern Southeast Commercial Salmon Permit Holder.

If you are interested in serving on the board or nominating a candidate(s), please submit nominations to:

SSRAA, ATTN: Election Supervisor
14 Borch Street
Ketchikan, AK 9901

Or e-mail:

For further information contact Liz Jones at SSRAA 907-225-9605